
Curious about what makes stabilized rice bran a nutritional powerhouse? In this blog, we'll dive into the science behind this remarkable ingredient, exploring its benefits and why it's a key component of our flagship product, R:ZIP.

What is Stabilized Rice Bran?

Stabilized rice bran (SRB) is the outer layer of the rice kernel, which is carefully processed to retain its nutritional value and prevent spoilage. SRB undergoes a stabilization process that inactivates the lipase enzyme, preventing the bran's natural oils from becoming rancid. This process not only extends the shelf life of rice bran but also preserves its rich nutrient profile.

The Stabilization Process

The stabilization process is crucial for maintaining the integrity of rice bran's nutrients. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  • Harvesting: The rice bran is separated from the rice kernel during milling.

  • Treatment: The bran is exposed to controlled heat to deactivate the lipase enzyme.

  • Cooling and Storage: The stabilized bran is then cooled and stored under optimal conditions to retain its nutritional value.

By following these steps, we ensure that the rice bran remains fresh and nutrient-dense, making it a valuable addition to dietary products like R:ZIP.

Nutritional Profile of Stabilized Rice Bran

Stabilized rice bran is a nutritional treasure trove, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are some of the key nutrients found in SRB:

  • Vitamins: Rich in B-vitamins (B1, B3, B6), vitamin E, and vitamin A.

  • Minerals: Contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron.

  • Antioxidants: High levels of tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma-oryzanol.

  • Fiber: An excellent source of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health.

  • Proteins: Contains essential amino acids necessary for body functions.

Health Benefits of Stabilized Rice Bran

Supports Cardiovascular Health

Stabilized rice bran is known for its heart-healthy properties. The presence of gamma-oryzanol and tocotrienols helps support healthy cholesterol levels, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that regular consumption of SRB can lead to significant improvements in lipid profiles.

Enhances Digestive Health

The high fiber content in SRB promotes healthy digestion by aiding bowel regularity and preventing constipation. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for overall well-being.

Boosts Immune Function

Packed with antioxidants, stabilized rice bran strengthens the immune system by protecting cells from oxidative stress. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals further enhances the body's ability to fend off infections and diseases.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

For individuals managing diabetes, SRB can be a valuable dietary addition. Its high fiber content helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, thereby preventing spikes in blood sugar.

Why R:ZIP Contains Stabilized Rice Bran

At Retra, we believe in the power of natural ingredients to support health and wellness. Our product, R:ZIP, harnesses the benefits of stabilized rice bran to deliver superior nutritional support. Here's why we've made SRB a cornerstone of R:ZIP:

  • Nutrient Density: SRB provides a wide range of essential nutrients in a single ingredient, making it a comprehensive addition to R:ZIP.

  • Stability and Shelf Life: The stabilization process ensures that the rice bran remains fresh and potent, providing consistent health benefits over time.

  • Versatility: SRB can be easily mixed with other powerful superfoods to deliver incredible results.


1. What makes stabilized rice bran different from regular rice bran?

Stabilized rice bran undergoes a special heat treatment process that inactivates the lipase enzyme, preventing the oils in the bran from becoming rancid and preserving its nutritional value.

2. Can stabilized rice bran help with weight management?

Yes, the high fiber content in stabilized rice bran can help with weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and aiding in digestion.

3. Is stabilized rice bran safe for everyone to consume?

Yes. Generally, stabilized rice bran is safe for most people.

4. How much stabilized rice bran is in R:ZIP?

Approximately 60% of each serving of R:ZIP is made up of SRB.


Stabilized rice bran stands out as a nutrient-dense ingredient with an impressive array of health benefits. From enhancing cardiovascular and digestive health to supporting the immune system and regulating blood sugar levels, SRB offers a versatile and effective way to improve overall well-being. At Retra, we are proud to feature stabilized rice bran in R:ZIP, ensuring you receive the highest quality and most beneficial nutrition possible.